Like the Back of My Halo Page 5
Her head jerked and a nervous laugh escaped her. “Man-trap?”
Well, now he' stepped in it.
He grimaced and jerked his chin up. “Yeah, you. With your eyes and your lips and your nice words. You have man-trap written all over you.” He arched an eyebrow haughtily. “Well, I'm not falling for it.”
Her lips curved into a smile and Brady found himself staring again.
Most beautiful girl in the world.
He was so screwed.
“So we're in agreement then?” she asked, hope lighting up her face. He saw it then. The wild may have been caged, but just barely. “Starting over now. No stolen tacos and no one says the word love.”
Brady took her hand and shook it. He expected and was rewarded with the jolt of electricity accompanying her touch. She grinned, oblivious to his suppressed urge of sealing their agreement with another mind blowing kiss. He was going to have to bring a strong tranquilizer with him when they left town together. Lo was a pharmaceutical rep, maybe she could give him a recommendation.
“What about the fact my brother is your best friend's arch nemesis?” he asked. How was he supposed to be a good brother when the girl he worked with (and wanted) was always with Bo's biggest enemy? It was going to cause problems.
“I think they'll have to be grown-ups about it,” she said with a shrug. “Spencer can be civil.”
Brady cracked a smile. “You haven't known her that long, have you?”
She waved it off. “Bah. Besides, we're going to be gone a lot of the time anyway.”
Brady let his mind wander back to the agreement he'd signed just a little while ago. Travel, surfing, beautiful girl, no Bo to interfere, no real life obligations, no falling in love.
He would agree to her terms. But he wasn't forgetting about the kiss. Maybe this was a good thing. They could get away and she could get to know him without the rest of their worlds interfering.
And he would show her kissing him was an excellent idea.
And if love happened... then it happened.
“All better?” Spencer asked as they left the driveway of the Samson men.
Lo smiled and rested her head against the window frame. “Yeah.”
She was already picturing the future.
Wide open and untouched. Just pure possibility.
And it was beautiful.
“I feel like maybe you have lost your mind.”
Lo stopped trying to stuff her sixth bikini into her small carry-on (the only piece of personal luggage Shane allowed) and stared at Tessa.
The tall, dark-haired, pale-skinned beauty, tossed a sheet of her glossy hair over her shoulder as she rested her chin in the palm of one hand. She sat in Lo's high backed chair in front of her vanity, watching her pack. And had been watching her pack for an hour without saying a word.
“Why do you say that?” Lo asked.
“You quit your job,” Tessa pointed out.
“Yeah, and I got a new one.” Lo shrugged and tried to close the suitcase. “I put in two weeks' notice and everything.”
“But it's not like it's a real job.”
Lo flopped the lid open again, her eyes darting to her friend. “Of course it's a real job. What's that even supposed to mean?”
“It's temporary. And it might not work out. What if Shane's company goes bankrupt? What if your plane crashes? What if you drown? What if Brady rapes and murders you on a beach in the Pacific and we never find your body?”
Lo blinked. “That's a lot of fear coming at me right now, Tess.”
Tessa shrugged and her leg kicked nervously, the only physical indication her mind was spinning out of control.
“It's gonna be fine,” Lo reassured her as she turned the suitcase over and dumped everything out. “As long as I can figure out how to pack for two weeks with this tiny little suitcase, it'll be fine,” she amended with a growl.
A car door closed outside followed by heavy footsteps on the wooden stairs outside her apartment. Lo frowned at Tessa, who shrugged again.
Lo lived in a studio apartment above a garage in a so-so neighborhood. Her landlord was an older woman who lived with her daughter and granddaughter in the main house. The rent was a steal compared to what Lo had had to pay in the past, and it was within sight of the ocean. Not to mention, Mrs. Portakalis allowed Lo to decorate however she wanted. No men and no pets were the only rules.
Fair enough, Lo hadn't had a man in a long time. So long, she wondered if maybe she never actually had one at all and it was a story she may have read somewhere.
Anyway, Lo's apartment was kickass. An open floor plan with a small kitchenette in the corner and the smallest of bathrooms the size of a closet. At least it had a door. She'd shared a studio with some people once where the bathroom was more communal than not. Peeing in front of your roommates was bad enough, but the occasional bowel irritation made the situation less than ideal, no matter how low the rent was.
That was when Lo had discovered how very much she liked privacy. And alone time. It had been the driving factor for her to get a new job (pharmaceutical rep), and move the hell out. To a place that was all hers.
The walls were rough-hewn flat boards of wood that she had painted all white. The polished lightly stained wooden floors were a lovely contrast. She'd painted navy and gray waves on the wall above her bed (a King-sized mattress and box spring sitting right on the floor—no frame) and the words Surf and Pray—because that's all that was important in life.
She had a sky blue dresser and white vanity with a large mirror above it. The room was too small for a closet, so she hung her clothes on a bar that doubled as a ceiling rafter on the lower end of the peak.
She didn't have a TV, couch, or table. Her life was best lived minimally. Except for her clothes. She actually really liked her clothes. Her apparel could be described as boho gypsy with a side of flower child. She fancied natural colors and exotic patterns and had collected different pieces from her many years of travel. Her clothes were like wearing snapshots of all the places she'd been and what she had learned while there. She was also a fan of utility. Everything she wore was useful for activity. She never feared ruining her items or over using them. That's what they were for. Much like how she saw herself. Her clothes should reflect who she was and what she liked.
Today she wore a dusty pink off-the-shoulder sundress. It came to mid-thigh and she paired it with stacks of bracelet she'd bought from a girl who made them on the beach.
Hence her packing problem. She didn't want to bring too much, because she knew the likelihood of adding to the closet.
Needless to say, the footsteps that had stopped outside of her front door were unexpected. She didn't get visitors or door-to-door people because it was a garage. If someone came to her door, it was because they knew she lived there and were there specifically to see her.
Lo waited for a knock, but none came. She frowned at Tessa, who waved silently with one hand towards the door for her to go look.
She left her pile of clothes and overturned suitcase and padded silently on bare feet to the door. Resting her hand on the knob, she hesitated before opening it. A shadow fell across her face when she yanked the door open. The sun setting behind his towering figure, Lo took a step back and an extra breath as her eyes sought to identify the face.
“Sorry,” Brady apologized roughly. “I wasn't sure I had the right place.”
Lo's eyebrows went up and she glanced over her shoulder at Tessa, who was wearing a matching expression. Again, because girls told each other things, Tessa knew all about Brady and his total Brady-ness.
“Well, if you're looking for fish fingers and tots, you're in the wrong place. That's two houses down,” she said, grinning up at him. “But if you're looking for me...” She tilted her head to the side.
Brady's beautiful lips twitched with amusement. “I do happen to be looking for you.” His eyes flicked up to Tessa. “But it looks like yo
u have company. I can come back later.”
No, that would be bad. It would be dark later. And even though she had told him starting over would be a breeze and their kiss was just a kiss and nothing but a kiss, she had been lying through her teeth. Seeing him bathed in moonlight, her imagination would take over and she might be inclined to tackle him for round two of Kissing Made Awesome.
In fact, she was so adamant he not come back when it was dark, she opened her mouth to say all of those things, realizing a nanosecond before she did how stupid that would be. So she stood there. Agape. Like a guppy.
Hey, Lo, remember that time you used to be a sales rep and you prized yourself on being able to talk to anyone no matter their background or presentation? Hahahahahaha!
That was the sound of her inner voice mocking her. Loudly. Her inner voice could be incredibly insensitive.
Thankfully, Tessa was not insensitive. Not unless the situation called for it. Like the time some jerk tripped a kid with a Popsicle on the beach and Tessa went crazy eyes on him and made him cry. Not the kid, the guy.
“No, you can join us,” Tessa spoke up. “I'm here to make sure she packs deodorant.”
“Deodorant!” Lo yelled, thrusting a fist into the air and then spinning around. She rushed over to the vanity and dug through a drawer to find the new bottle she'd purchased a couple days ago.
“Don't mind her,” Tessa said, standing up. “She's rubbish at packing.”
“Hey,” Lo protested, even though it was total truth.
Tessa stuck her hand out. “I'm Tessa, you're Brady. We went to school together, but you probably don't remember me. I was a year behind you and hung out with the music geeks. ”
Brady licked his beautiful kiss givers (seriously, Lo had a problem), and chuckled lightly under his breath as he shook Tessa's hand. “Nice to meet you. Again.”
“This woman is my best friend. If you get to paradise and start to feel even a little bit rapey, I will hunt you down and crazy murder you.”
“Tessa!” Lo exclaimed.
Brady's lips compressed into a hard line, trying not to laugh.
Tessa arched an eyebrow and leaned in fractionally. “I mean it.”
“I believe you,” Brady replied, his blues eyes filling with mischief. “But I thought she was Spencer's best friend...”
Oh. He was brave.
Tessa narrowed her eyes. “She is. We all are. We're a trifecta of badass besties. It's a flawless system. If one fecta goes down, two others are there to keep it going.”
Brady's lips pursed in a new attempt at keeping a straight face. Lo decided to save him.
“Why are you here, Brady?” She attempted to keep the chill in her voice, even though she was so not chill at the moment.
Brady's eyes cut to her and she withheld the urge to swallow under his intense gaze. “I have our first destination.”
Part of Lo's stomach fell. Not the whole stomach, just a section of it. “Oh.” She brightened her countenance quickly and added some excitement to her next words. “That's great! Where is it?”
Both Tessa and Brady frowned at her.
She grimaced.
Brady waited a beat, his frown more thoughtful than concerned. He turned and took in her small studio, eyes scanning every fixture, every decoration, every word she had painted on her walls. “You live alone?”
Now it was Lo's turn to frown. “I prefer it that way.”
Tessa sat back down in front of the vanity and made wide eyes at Lo, who shrugged. Because she had no idea what was going on either.
“Your place is pretty clean.”
“Thanks...?” Lo shook her head in frustration. “Just tell me where we're going, so I can figure out what to pack.”
Brady's eyes landed on her overturned suitcase and pile of clothes. He wandered closer and picked through some of her more scandalous bikinis. “Part of the equipment bag that Shane and Clarke are sending with us will include wetsuits and... swimwear.”
“Oh.” Lo frowned harder and put her hands on her hips. “How come you know more about what's going on than I do? Aren't we supposed to be partners?”
Brady's focus lingered on the bikinis for a second before he turned his attention on her again. “I felt like Shane was dragging his feet and I got impatient. I drove over there to find out what the hold-up was, then I came straight here.”
“Oh.” Lo was beginning to get frustrated with her limited vocabulary. His answer sounded good. Actually, it sounded nice. Like he was taking charge, but still making sure to include her. She wouldn't have felt as comfortable going down there and doing the same. Her relationship with Shane and Clarke was limited to a professional level.
Brady took a deep breath and then sat down on the end of her bed. Lo's mouth went dry. Hot guy touching her bed. He, of course, didn't understand why this was a thing.
“They have a laptop for both of us to share,” he continued, crossing his arms over his broad chest and making his biceps bulge just a little more. “I had to come up with the name for my blog today and let them know. I heard you already picked yours, but Shane wouldn't tell me what it was.”
“This is going to be awesome,” Tessa piped up. She grinned at Lo. “I've missed your blogs.” Turning her grin to Brady, she added, “She's really funny.”
“You have a blog?” Brady asked.
Lo ran a hand through her hair and made a face. “I have a blog. But I sometimes forget I have one.”
Brady nodded slowly. “Good to know...”
“Don't get any ideas,” Lo stopped him. “I won't be missing a single deadline.”
His lips twitched with humor, but she felt the movement in her stomach. Those lips were going to kill her. They were too perfect. Bigger than most men's. Full, plush, expressive, seductive, hypnotic. She could write an entire blog about his lips alone. Those beautiful, beautiful sugar stamps.
“Hm?” she shook out of her daydream and turned to Tessa, who was giggling.
“Where were you?”
Lo's face began to heat with embarrassment and she rubbed the back of her neck with one hand.
Brady cleared his throat. “Probably trying to come up with a blog name cooler than mine.”
“What's yours?” Tessa asked.
“Open Heart Surf.” He puffed his chest out just a little with pride.
Lo nodded. “Ah, I see you're the clever one of this little team. I better not try to top that. I'll just stick with what I know. Live, Love, Tacos.”
Tessa belted out a laugh. “That's so you. I love it.”
Lo grinned at her friend and glanced back at Brady in time to catch his guarded expression. “I love tacos,” she explained, being mindful of their first meeting and her promise to start over. “If it were socially acceptable to marry tacos, I'd be all over that business.”
Tessa rolled her eyes. “I wish I could say she was exaggerating, but she's not. One time, I made tacos for The Bachelor finale and it was the only time I could get her to watch it. But she ate everything. Totally cleaned me out.”
Lo shrugged. “Still not sorry. Those tacos were killer.”
Brady chuckled. “Well then you're going to either really love our first destination or hate it.” He paused for dramatic effect. “We're heading to Nicaragua in four days.”
Lo's heart literally skipped a beat. She felt it. Had anything else been happening, she would have felt concerned for the absence of the heartbeat.
“That's great!” Tessa flew into motion, running to Lo's clothes hanging from the beam across the room. “I know exactly what you need to bring.”
Lo heard her, but she was stuck looking at Brady. Because he was looking at her. His eyes drifted to her mouth and she smiled in response, as if the touch of his gaze had compelled her.
“I've always wanted to visit Nicaragua,” she declared softly.
“Good.” He nodded once. “Should be exciting. As long as we don
't get robbed or anything.”
“Wait, what?” Tessa stopped, the dresses she'd pulled off their hangers forgotten in her arms.
“It'll be fine, Tess,” Lo reassured with an eye roll.
Tessa threw the dresses on the bed and wagged a finger at Lo. “Na-uh, I told you this was too dangerous.”
“It'll be okay,” Brady declared, standing up. “I promise to protect her.”
Tessa, even though she was already tall, craned her neck to look up at all that was Brady. “You promise? You swear to throw yourself in front of any and all bullets, prevent her from contracting any diseases or horrible infections, and keep her safe at all times?”
“Geez, Tessa—” Lo tried to interfere.
“You have my word,” Brady promised, his deep and soothing voice rumbling across the floor and bathing Lo in an uncomfortable amount of fantasy. Then he turned those cerulean blue eyes her direction and she was paralyzed. “And you also have it.”
He held her gaze again for several prolonged breaths. She wished things had started out different. She wished they could truly start over. She wished she could live forever in these small moments of knowing.
Knowing that Brady was the exact kind of man she wanted more of.
“I have to go. It's my night to make dinner.” He offered them each a smile. “It was nice meeting you, Tessa.” He took a step closer to Lo. “I'm really looking forward to seeing how you try to compete with my blog skills,” he teased, one side of his mouth curling upward.
Lo must have said goodbye. And she probably had some sort of terrible comeback. She must have closed the door behind him. But she didn't come back to reality until Tessa threw a tangerine sundress over her face, blocking out her view of the ceiling.
“I like him,” Tessa said around a smile as she rolled a wispy white dress up and tucked it into the suitcase.
Lo tossed the dress back at her. “What happened to crazy murdering him if he starts to feel a little rapey?”
Tessa added the tangerine dress to the suitcase. “Oh, I will.” A secret smile highlighted her lips and she wouldn't meet Lo's eyes. “But I have a feeling about this one.”